BridgeWise BRRR Program

A cyclical process of acquiring, improving, and refinancing properties to build a rental portfolio.

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Identify and purchase a property that has the potential for improvement and increased value. We will provide to HARD MONEY loan needed to close.

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Once the property is acquired, initiate necessary renovations and improvements. We will fund the renovation budget loan.

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After completing the renovations and enhancing the property's value, refinance the property with a new mortgage. We will refinance the property into a DSCR loan.

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With the property refinanced, the investor now has access to funds that can be used for the next real estate investment. As you build a relationship with Bridgewise, rates will improve for future loans.

The "BridgeWise BRRR" Program.

One lender every step of the way! Here's a step-by-step explanation of each phase:


  • Identify and purchase a property that has the potential for improvement and increased value.
  • Consider factors such as location, market trends, and potential return on investment.
  • Secure financing for the purchase, often with the intention of obtaining a short-term loan with favorable terms for the renovation phase.


  • Once the property is acquired, initiate necessary renovations and improvements.
  • Focus on upgrades that add value to the property, increase its appeal, and potentially raise its market value.
  • Budget carefully to ensure that renovation costs are manageable and aligned with the property's future rental income potential.
  • Work with contractors and professionals to execute the renovation plan efficiently.


  • After completing the renovations and enhancing the property's value, refinance the property with a new mortgage.
  • The new mortgage amount should ideally cover the initial purchase cost and renovation expenses.
  • Take advantage of the increased property value to secure a more favorable loan-to-value ratio and potentially lower interest rates.
  • The refinancing provides access to the equity created through the improvements.


  • With the property refinanced, the investor now has access to funds that can be used for the next real estate investment.
  • Reinvest the released equity into the acquisition of another property and repeat the process.
  • Continuously cycle through the BRRR strategy to build a portfolio of income-generating rental properties.
  • Each repetition of the cycle contributes to expanding the investor's real estate portfolio while optimizing financial resources.

Key Considerations:

  • Thoroughly research and analyze the market to identify properties with potential for value appreciation.


  • Develop a realistic budget for renovations and closely monitor costs to ensure profitability.


  • Build relationships with reliable contractors and professionals to streamline the renovation process.


  • Work with lenders who understand the BRRR strategy and offer flexible financing options.


  • Stay informed about local real estate trends and regulations that may impact the success of the BRRR strategy.

The BRRR strategy is a dynamic and iterative approach that allows real estate investors to leverage their capital efficiently, create equity, and gradually expand their rental property portfolios. Success in the BRRR strategy requires a combination of careful planning, market knowledge, and effective execution.